To meet the needs of our learners, the HESS teaching philosophies consist of four key principles
Educare is an approach to schooling that recognizes the inseparable relationship between educating and caring for a child. If a child feels safe, cared-for, and loved and is provided with an attractive, stimulating environment, learning will come effortlessly.
The human mind learns and performs different tasks in several different ways. We call these multiple intelligences. The eight different intelligences are logical/mathematical, visual/spatial, bodily/kinesthetic, musical/rhythmic, naturalist, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and verbal/linguistic. These ways of thinking are all equally important learning channels. We will identify the most prominent learning channel of each learner and focuses on that to help the kid develop to their full potential.
HESS develops the whole child. Education scholarship shows that children will achieve the best results cognitively, emotionally, physically, and socially when they develop a balance of these intelligences. HESS' curricula have therefore been written with the methodology of integrating several ways of learning simultaneously.
This theory was developed by Dr. Joseph Novak. It holds that all curricula must be integrated, and in order for learning to be effective, it must be built on prior knowledge. Our lessons are theme-based, integrated, and cumulatively progressive. Applying the concept-mapping theory to our methods and materials helps children to understand their world and learn more easily. All HESS lessons focus on one central element: the child.